Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Update on the Disability Pride Mural in Footscray, Naarm

It has been quite some time since I have posted about the Disability Pride Mural in Footscray. 

I hope that you are all surviving, and maybe even thriving in these difficult times. And if you are not, I am sending you my love and please know that you are not alone. These are really tough times for many, especially many disabled people. 


Last month, after more than 3 years on the Exchange Building on Nicholson St Footscray, the Disability Pride Mural was removed. 

Sadly, the Mural was hit with much graffiti and tagging during Covid times. These weren’t likely to be targeted attacks, as most of the surrounding area in Footscray has been similarly tagged.  It was also showing many signs of much wear and tear. After all, this was a paste up mural and not actually designed to last this long! 


And so over the past 6 months, I have been in discussions with Maribyrnong City Council and last month, we came to an agreement that it needed to be removed.


I understand that for some of you reading this, especially if you were one of the 50-60 artists involved in this mural, this news might bring up some difficult feelings. That makes sense, given that it was such a long, difficult road to reinstate the mural after it was first destroyed. If anyone needs to chat, please get in touch with me. 


But whilst this mural has been removed for now, the legacy of Disability Pride stays with us. For me, this mural represents a celebration of the unity and strength of disabled people, as well as our shared struggle to resist ableism and discrimination. This current removal does not mean the end of Disability Pride. It lives on in our hearts and stories and community. 


The good news is that the Maribyrnong Council want to fund a new Disability Pride mural! 


Unfortunately, my health and capacity remain pretty low, and I am not currently in a position to lead any new project. But I am hopeful that in the coming months, particularly as we hopefully find better ways to manage the Covid impacts on disabled people, a plan will emerge. If you have any thoughts or ideas, or want to express your interest in being involved in a new Disability Pride project, please get in touch. (Although I may take some crip time to respond.)




And stay tuned for some more exciting Disability Pride news in my next post!



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